Write a 1-2 page proposal addressing the following items:
Description of Specific Request
Please describe the services for which you are seeking support. If project support is requested, tailor your responses to that particular project; if operating support is requested, tailor your responses to address the organization. Please focus on the following components:
Describe the need your organization is addressing.
State the connection between your organization and/or project work and the mission of the specific foundation toward which you are applying.
Provide information about the constituents who benefit from your organization’s work (age, gender, race/ethnicity, income levels, geographic representation, any disabilities, language(s) spoken, or other criteria relevant to the work)
State the goals and expected outcomes of this work, and include a timeline for meeting these goals and outcomes.
Describe the program design, giving detailed information about how program activities will occur.
Describe the challenges to the success of the proposed activities and how these factors could be overcome.
Describe how the amount requested was determined, how it will be applied, and sources of future funding.
Please address the following
Detail how your organization defines and monitors success for the organization, or if program support is requested, for the specific program.
Identify the short-term and long-term indicators of success.
Describe how you have used evaluation results (qualitative or quantitative) to make changes and improve your organization’s and/or program’s performance and impact.
Please include a summary of any evaluation results, if available. If seed funding is requested, please detail the evaluation plans to include the components listed above.

Include the following attachments to complete your application:
Proposal Request Summary
Organizational Budget. Include the organization’s budget for the current fiscal year. Provide budget projections if multi-year support is requested.
Project Budget (not applicable for general operating requests). Include a detailed line-item budget for the project. Provide budget projections if multi-year support is requested.
Sources of Funding. Provide a list of foundation, corporate and/or government grants secured over the past 2 years. Please state the source, dollar amount, grant time period, and the date received or requested. Also include any pending requests still outstanding.
If operating support is requested, provide this information for the organization; if project support is requested, also provide any additional funding earmarked for the project. If multi-year support is requested, please provide information on any multi-year pledges.
List of Board Members. Provide a list of the members of the current Board of Directors and their professional affiliation.
Copy of Tax Status Letter. Provide a copy of the organization’s most recent IRS Tax-Exempt Ruling Letter, verifying that the organization is a qualified charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and not a private foundation.
Audited Financial Statements. Provide a copy of the organization’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year (audited if available).

Submit this information to info@creativewavesfoundation.org